Balloon Ninja tour was an amazing success, and it still lingers, thanks to our friends in media worlds who were kind enough to create articles about our events. Both English and Japanese print medias were very active on our tour, making our event even bigger success! Thank you so much for all of your help!
Weekly Biz, Japanese weekly paper, created an amazing article for our Balloon Ninja Event. This article went on Weekly Biz's Mar.15th article. It was wonderful media folks made our events extremely fun and successful. Thank you so much Weekly Biz! 延べ400人来場、壁超えた演技で観客を魅了 (左から)Syan、舞台を盛り上げた MC-Kenji、Eisuke(提供写真)
Made in Japan Inc.主催のパフォーマンスショー「Balloon × Ninja―a show for all ages―」が2日、ニューヨークのバルークカレッジ・エンゲルマンリサイタルホールで公演された。当日は雪の予報にもかかわらず、延べ400人が来場し、バルーンアーティスト、Syanと忍者姿のジャグリングアーティスト、EISUKEのパフォーマンスを楽しんだ。 ショーは、“a show for all ages”の文字通り、年齢・性別・人種・言語あらゆる壁を超えた構成で、観客を大いに楽しませた。終演後には出演者との記念撮影会があり盛り上がりをみせた。 SyanとEISUKEは、ニューヨーク滞在期間中、施設や病院などでボランティア公演を行い、来場できない多くの子供たちにも興奮と感動を届けた。「風船はいずれしぼんでしまうものだけれど、みんなの心に思い出となって膨らんでくれたらうれしいです」とSyan。 主催者は「今後も伝統的な日本と近代的な日本を調和させた、言葉がなくても伝わりやすい「職人技=Art」で感動を届けていきたいと」と語った。 活動の詳細はwww.madeinjapanny.com参照。(「WEEKLY Biz」2014年3月15日号掲載) After 3 shows, 12 hours and over 400 people in attendance and countless people to thank, Balloon Ninja was an amazing success! Our performers Syan and Eisuke, along with Kenji mesmerized everyone. Our talented staff created 3 perfect shows. Take a bow, Team Balloon Ninja! This is your moment. We would like to thank every single person who attended our shows, and friends and colleagues who helped us in so many different ways. With your support over the past few months, we were able to achieve something we could only dreamed about. Thank you so much! 本当に有難うございました! Syan and Eisuke received the warmest welcome from faculties and kids at Queen's Children's Psychiatric Center. Amazing folks like Freddie Orange from Healing Arts Initiative and Brenton Hard of Long Island City/Astoria Lions Club made this possible. Children's reactions were uplifting to say the least. Staff and faculties seem to enjoy the show more than kids did. Times like this we truly feel blessed to be working with guys who can bring smile to so many people. For more about Healing Arts Initiative and its amazing works, visit Made In Japan Inc. is very excited to work with such an innovative organization. Feb. 23rd was a memorable Sunday for Team Balloon Ninja. In the morning, we visited our old and new friends at Kumon L.I.C. ( for their anniversary party. Balloon workshop was a blast! Out of everybody there, I think Syan was enjoying it the most. Then we were off to Scarsdale to meet wonderful people of Apple Time! ( Special thanks goes out to Japanese American Lions Club, who brought us together for this event. It was so wonderful to see all those precious smiles. Syan and Eisuke will be visiting more friends in upcoming week, and finish their Tour on Sunday at our show, Balloon Ninja. Spiderman making cameo all over the city! Last night's sneak peak at One Bryant Park was roaring success. Our performers were in great spirits, and we had so many people came out even with poor weather. Spidey went on to make several more appearances, at Kumon L.I.C., Preschool of America Tudor City, and Toy Tokyo. |
October 2014
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